Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911

Gun Safety

260px-Glock17_With_Cable_LockFirearm and gun safety is a top priority and is the responsibilty of all gun owners and/or gun handlers.

California law states that you may be guilty of a misdemeanor or a felony if you keep a loaded firearm within any premises that are under your custody or control and a child under 18 years of age obtains and uses it, resulting in injury or death, or carries it to a public place, unless you stored the firearm in a locked container, or locked the firearm with a locking device to temporarily keep it from functioning.

The Burbank Police Department, together with the State of California Department of Justice, provides the following link to important information related to gun safety and precautions, including important safety points pertaining to guns and children:


California DOJ Firearm Safety


In addition, the Burbank Police Department has partnered with Project ChildSafe to provide ongoing education and materials to promote gun safety. If you are a gun owner, you can pick-up a free gun lock at the Burbank Police Department front counter during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

For more information about Project ChildSafe, visit




Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911
200 North Third St., Burbank, CA 91502
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