The Burbank Police Explorer program is a career development program for young men and women who are interested in law enforcement. The program is open to those who are 14-21 years of age. The program is staffed and supervised by members of the Burbank Police Department. The Explorer program is strictly a volunteer program that allows youth the opportunity to provide service to the Police Department and the community.
The program is structured to provide academic and technical training. Instruction is provided to assist the Explorers in developing team building skills, leadership skills, and self-discipline to become successful community leaders.
In order to become an Explorer, individuals must complete an application (Download Application here). Once the application has been submitted an interview will be scheduled. Upon acceptance into the program, individuals attend an Explorer Academy (Every Saturday for 18 weeks). Upon graduation from the Academy, an Explorer is able to assist with Community Events, participate on a Ride-A-Long with sworn officers in patrol, and take part in Explorer competitions.
See the Explorers Recruitment Booklet here for more information, or email RHaratonian@burbankca.gov.