Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911

Inside BPD


Deputy Chief Adam Cornils


Deputy Chief Adam Cornils began his law enforcement career at the Monrovia Police Department in 1999.  In 2006, he made a lateral transfer to the Burbank Police Department.  During his career, Deputy Chief Cornils has worked a variety of assignments in patrol, criminal investigations, tactical teams, and administration. 

Deputy Chief Cornils has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. 

As a lieutenant, Deputy Chief Cornils held assignments as a Patrol Watch Commander, in the Community Outreach and Personnel Services Bureau, and in the Internal Affairs Bureau. Deputy Chief Cornils currently serves as the Commanding Officer of the Administrative Division.

Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911
200 North Third St., Burbank, CA 91502
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