Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911


April 8, 2020 08:53 AM

The Burbank Police Department is mindful of the dangers associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, but will continue to protect the public and provide essential police services. In order to limit exposure, the Burbank Police Department continues to implement safety measures to help protect both the public and our employees. One of these measures includes encouraging citizens to utilize online and telephonic options for filing police reports, whenever certain criteria is met.

Please note, there will be no change in our response to emergency calls for service.

Online Police Reports

Citizens are strongly encouraged to file police reports online for certain crimes and incidents. Incidents which qualify for online reporting are: graffiti, lost or stolen license plates, lost property, theft, theft from a motor vehicle, theft of a bicycle, or vandalism

Please understand that an online police report can only be submitted if ALL of the following statements are true:

  • You are not reporting an emergency.
  • The incident occurred within the City of Burbank (does not include the Cabrini Condominium Complex).
  • The incident did not occur on a freeway.
  • The identities of the suspects are not known.

For more information about online reporting, or to file an online police report, CLICK HERE.

Telephonic Police Reports

Citizens may also elect to file a police report telephonically for any property crime (with the exception of stolen vehicle/stolen license plate reports) in which there is no physical evidence to be collected by an officer, or any persons crime in which ALL of the following is true:

  • No weapon was used
  • No domestic violence was involved
  • There is no significant injury to the victim
  • There is no physical evidence to be collected by an officer

Traffic collision reports can be made telephonically for collisions involving property damage onlynot involving a suspected D.U.I. (driving under the influence) OR hit and run collisions involving property damage only where there is no direct suspect information.

To file a police report telephonically for an incident that qualifies based on the above requirements, call (818) 238-3000 and request a telephonic report. 

Identity Theft

If you have been the victim of identity theft, a police report cannot be made online or telephonically. However, the following form is required to be completed as part of the report. Please DOWNLOAD, print, and complete the form prior to calling the Burbank Police Department. 

IMPORTANT: DO NOT SIGN THE FORM until you are in the presence of a police officer.

Once the form is completed, call the Burbank Police non-emergency number, at (818) 238-3000 to request a police officer. 

Responding to Non-emergency Police Report Calls

For non-emergency matters and police reports that require a police officer(s) response to a specific location, involved parties will be asked to exit the structure/premises, if practical and appropriate, in order meet the officer(s).



Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911
200 North Third St., Burbank, CA 91502
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