Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911

Training Advisory: March 19-21, 2019

March 15, 2019 09:24 AM


Police and Fire Departments from Burbank, Glendale, Pasadena, and Monrovia will be conducting live training at Burbank High School, Tuesday, 3/19/19 through Thursday, 3/21/19, from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. The training will involve uniformed firefighters and police officers with tactical equipment and firearms. All training will be simulated.

The purpose of this advisory is to inform the public of this training so the activities are not mistaken for real-life scenarios.



Business Line & General Information: 818-238-3333
Non-Emergency, Police Response: 818-238-3000
Emergencies: 911
200 North Third St., Burbank, CA 91502
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